Vendors / Exhibitors

TCF2024 is now accepting applications for vendor/exhibitor tables.  The date is Saturday, March 16th. Tables will be again located in room 212 of TCNJ’s Education Building.  Setup will begin at 7:30 am.  The hall will open to the public starting at 9 am and end at 3 pm.

The price of a vendor space (includes 1 admission, 1 table and 1 chair) is $40 in advance and $50 at the door (if space is still available).  Additional tables without an additional admission will be $30 in advance and $40 at the door.  An electrical connection is an additional $15 in advance and $20 at the door. (Electrical access is not available at all spaces.  Bring your own extension cords).  Additional vendor/exhibitor admission tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door.

To reserve vendor spaces email to <> and indicate:

1) Name and telephone number,

2) Number of Tables [   ],

3) Number of additional Vendor/exhibitor admission tickets [   ], and

4) If you need electricity [Y/N].

We will email a confirmation and a request you to send a check for the $ amount made out to The College of New Jersey.

Checks should be sent to Dr. Allen Katz, Dept. of Electrical/Computer Engineering, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718, Ewing, NJ 08628-0718.

Checks must be received at least 2 weeks before TCF or you will be charged the at the door rate.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Al – TCF2023 Chair